Additional Services

Financial License / Forex License

We are very experienced in license applications as our team specializes in in-depth analysis on each license application. We give practical solutions to enhance applicant’s professional qualifications and help the applicant to meet legal requirements. We have very high success rate in obtaining financial licenses for our clients.

The International Financial Services Commission (Licensing) Regulations 2007 provide for the Director-General of the Commission to approve licenses to enable a legal entity to provide, carry on, transact, or hold itself out as providing, carrying on, or transacting any of the below services in or from within Belize.

Orion Financial License

The following fees and minimum paid up and unimpaired capital requirement apply:

Financial License
Application Fee
Annual License Fee
Required Minimum Capital
Trading commodity-based and other financial instruments
Payment Processing Services
Asset Protection and Management
Financial Advisory/ Consultancy Services

*Allows for personal or household unsecured, short-term loans to non-residents 18 years of age or older. Loans can range from USD$100 to USD$5,000 and must be paid back in less than one year at a maximum APR of 48%.

Application Process

Every application for a license under these Regulations shall be routed through an attorney-at-
law or a licensed international financial services practitioner resident in Belize, who shall
conduct a proper “Due Diligence” on the application before forwarding it to the Director General
of the Commission.  Orion Corporate &; Trust Services Ltd. is a licensed international financial
services practitioner.

Ship Registration

The International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) as of 2009 is one of the 16 (of 166) ship registries in the world (and the only one in Central America) to boast the prestigious U.S. Coast Guard Quality Shipping for the 21st Century (QUALSHIP 21) Program qualification. IMMARBE has a good reputation and is well-established with a worldwide network of General Safety Inspectors and Deputy Registrars in major maritime centers. Belize is also a member of the International Maritime Organization (and is included in the said IMO’s White List.)

All vessels registered in Belize require an approved resident shipping agent, and vessel ownership can be held by a Belize IBC (or any other entity, Belizean or not.) Resident shipping agents provide services to ship-owners including the processing of registration under the Belize Flag and other ancillary services related to ship registration. The shipping agent is a liaison between the ship-owner and the registry.

Orion Corporate & Trust Services Ltd. is an authorized Shipping Agent in Belize (according to Section 17(1) of the Registration of Merchant Ships Act), offering fast, reliable, and efficient ISO 9001:2000 accredited registration and certification service at very competitive rates.